Authors |
Bondarenko Vladimir Viktorovich, Doctor of economic sciences, professor, sub-department of management
and marketing, director of the Penza branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (33b Kalinina street, Penza, Russia),
Tanina Maria Alekseevna, Candidate of economic sciences, senior lecturer, sub-department of management
and marketing, Penza branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
(33b Kalinina street, Penza, Russia),
Yudina Vera Aleksandrovna, Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, sub-department of management and marketing, Penza branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (33b Kalinina street, Penza, Russia),
Shadyshkova Oksana Viktorovnа, Senior lecturer, sub-department of economics and management, Penza
branch of the Internation Independent University of Environmental and Political Sciences «Academy MNEPU»
(33a Kalinina street, Penza, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. At the present time in Russia at the level of reproduction and management of innovations and intellectual resources there is no common understanding of the nature and value of scientific innovations and intellectual potential, there is no single methodology for its generation, assessment and reproduction. At the same time, management the sphere of professional training and skills development is aimed at implementing innovative educational activities designed to update knowledge of the personnel of organizations and enterprises of key industries. In this context, the problem of formation and criteria evaluation of the innovation and intellectual potential seems very important for educational institutions in the field of vocational retraining and advanced training of the economy field personnel. The purpose of the article is to develop a mechanism for criteria evaluation of innovative capacity of educational institutions in the field of vocational retraining and advanced training of the economy field personnel, to evaluate and to develop the recommendations for its formation.
Materials and methods. To study the formation and development of innovations at organizations in the sphere of vocational retraining and advanced training the authors suggested the following methods: conduction of a survey, analysis of documents reflecting the results of socio-economic and financial activities of educational institutions, analysis of statistics.
Results. In the process of the research there was developed the authors’ technique of criteria evaluation of innovative capacities of educational institutions in the field of vocational retraining and advanced training of the economy field personnel, and the level of its development was defined. The researchers developed a system for managing formation of the innovative potential of educational institutions in the field of vocational retraining and advanced training, which is a set of the interacting elements that are aimed at improvement of the quality and socio-economic benefits of additional vocational training.
Conclusions. Practical application of the management system of formation of innovative capacities of educational institutions and the methods of criteria estimation in the field of vocational retraining and advanced training of the economy field personnel will improve the quality of educational services and training, which, in turn, will have a positive impact on productivity and social economic performance in all sectors of the economy, as well as the GDP per capita of the region and the country as a whole.
References |
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